Things 21 & 22 – Back to the…


…future. Mine. To be honest it’s hard to look beyond the next three and a half years that will be consumed earning the title of doctor. Anyone who knows me knows how incredibly disjointed my so called ‘career’ has been and knows my sense of ‘where I want to be in 5 years’ time’ has always been somewhat murky. Even now I don’t know where this doctorate will take me…industry or academia, Europe or America, riches or destitution? I think I can rule out riches, but still! I hadn’t heard of either *Research Professional or Euraxess before these things and both look like extremely useful tools, especially if my future lies in academia. At the moment my research is obviously funded and I don’t really need to seek additional funding, except for extra cash to attend conferences, which can be done through the various societies and institutions that I am now a member of. Regardless, I thought it was useful to sign up to *Research Professional and get a feel for the website, what it offers and the kind of funding paths available – it’s a very possibility that this sort of thing will be part of my future. As for Euraxess, it boasts a Research Jobs section, which, unless I’m missing something, is less than sparse at the moment. There is, however, a page linking to some more populated job websites, most of which I was already aware of but also some useful new links.

In terms of my own website or online profile page, I am again hit with the barrier that what I will be researching for the foreseeable future is highly sensitive and not available for advertising on the internet. For this reason I am happy just to cultivate my Linkedin and ResearchGate profiles and allude to what I am doing in relation to the skills I am developing – as a scientist and a professional. Hopefully in three and a half years I will still be both of those things and I might warrant a university profile page somewhere…:)